The Delhi Public School is an independent, not-for-profit, international school providing the finest of British and international education for 3-18 year olds. The school is accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS). We offer high quality education based on the National Curriculum of England, IGCSE and the IB Diploma Programme. The students, who are from over 55 nationalities, graduate to leading universities/colleges world-wide.
The Delhi Public School has a constitutional link with The British High Commission. The High Commissioner is President of The Delhi Public School Society and all parents are members. Parents are very involved in the life of the school and its governance.
Before we explain the admissions process in detail, please note:
1. Registrations can be done through e-mail or in person.
2. Registrations being done in person can be done from Monday to Friday, 8 am to 1 pm.
3. Internationally mobile families will be in a position to apply for admissions into the school throughout the year.
4. All applications submitted after 1st of November 2011 are part of the waiting lists for admission into respective year groups for the next academic year (August 2012 – May 2013) unless the parents make a specific written request.
5. All applications made before 31st October 2011 are part of the waiting lists for admission into respective year groups for the current academic year (August 2011 – May 2012). In case you wish to continue in the waiting list for admission to the next academic year, that is 2012-13, please contact the admissions tea and complete the re-registration process
6. We endeavour to keep students of the same age in the same year group, where possible. While your child may be in a different class or grade in their current school, we will always refer to our admissions policy when deciding which class they should attend in The British School, New Delhi.
Please request for the age versus class guide.
Primary School students range from age 3+ (Nursery class) to age 10+ in Year 6. Secondary School has students of age group 11+ in Year 7 to age 17+ in Year 13.
7. Admission is dependent upon:
- On a place being available in the year group in for which admission has been applied for.
- The ability of applicants to demonstrate that they can complement the international character of the school’s student population and benefit from the education provided by The British School.
This is evaluated by the school through an assessment process which involves:
a. a written evaluation;
b. a face to face interview and
c. reports (academic and all other relevant reports depending on the year group and the programme applied for) from the previous school (where applicable).
8. Year 11 and Year 13 are not entry points for any student unless they are coming from the same examinations system, and have the capability of joining the programme part way through, providing we re able to offer the same or similar subject choices. Year 11 is the final year of the IGCSE course (comprising Years 10 & 11) and Year 13 is the final year of the IB Diploma Programme (comprising Years 12 & 13).
The Admission Process
The first step in the application process is to register with us on the waiting list. Registration forms can be downloaded from the download section of this website. For registering your child, please submit the following to the Admissions office through e-mail, courier or in person
• Previous school reports (last three years where applicable)
• Photocopy of the child's passport
• Photocopy of the parents' passport
• Passport sized photograph of the child (colour)
• Registration Fee: Rs.60,000/- as a cheque or a banker’s cheque (favouring "The British School Society")
As stated in the revised Admissions Policy of The British School approved by the Board of Governors, the
following is applicable to all potential admissions, i.e. all applicants for 2012-13.
A total Registration Fee of Rs.60,000/- is to be paid. This includes:
• cost of Registration (Rs. 10,000/-) which is non-refundable and does not guarantee admission; and
• the Registration charge: Rs.50,000/- which does not guarantee admission.